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The Chinese water dragon is a species of agamid lizard native to China and mainland Southeast Asia. It is also known as the Green water dragon, Thai water dragon, and Asian water dragon.
Scientific Name: Physignathus cocincinus
This is the First Question you should ask yourself as care will vary. Both Australian and Chinese water dragons do have some things in common however they are from different areas of the world so there are Differences. As Green Waterdragons (also known as asain or Chinese waterdragons) are more common we will focus on the care of the Green Waterdragon (scientific name Physignathus cocincinus)
The hope is you have not purchased youre water dragon yet if you are still researching however if you have already brought home your Waterdragon and have not researched we understand as we have rescued reptiles and had to reserch after the fact. or maybe you have knoledge of waterdragons but are looking for more. Please read threw all of the care sheet and dont stop there we encurage you to continue reserching as there is always new info to be found we have been caring for and breeding reptiles for over 20 years and still find new info. What should you look for when Purchasing a Waterdragon? where should you get it? Australian waterdragons its almost impossible to get a wild caught as we can no longer get them from Australia however you may find some that could be considered Farm bred. at this time i do not know of any Farm breeding for the australiand so i will say 99% you will see have been captive bred. The Green Water Dragon is where it gets more tricky they are still being wild-caught and Farm Bred making them more difficult to find healthy Lizards from the start. any farm-bred or wild-caught lizard should go to the vet to be treated for parasites and have a check up it should also be quarantined for at least 30 days . We feel even a cb reptile should be quarantined for at least 30 days and seen by a vet.
Have you been looking for a Waterdragon for sale? There are many places to find Waterdragons for sale but the real question is should you buy it or not? some people purchase them purely because they are trying to save one that looks bad and many purchase waterdragons because they want a amazing reptile pet. if you purchase one to save it be prepared to spend alot of money on trying to help it and be prepared for it to possibly pass even after trying to help. you will find alot of these type of lizards at big chain pet shops or reptile expos that allow wild caught or farmed. If you are looking for top Quality CBB (captive Bred and Born) do some reserch and go to the breeder themself. you may find healthy cbb Water dragons in pet shops or reptile expos. however if you can find a quality Breeder like Alex's Agamids (Agamidae_Alex on Instagram)
('sAgamids on youtube) We plan to breed Waterdragons again in the future however as of 3/9/2020 we currently do not have a breeding pair as we have been focused on building a new shop and bringing you quality feeders.
The most important thing to know about Water dragons is they can not see Glass so do not put them in full glass cages. we recommend custom wooden cages with a glass/plexiglass front and the bottom to also be wood so when the water dragon is on the ground it can not see out. this will help to keep them from rubbing their nose against the cage trying to get out causing injury. the Second most important thing to know About Waterdragon housing is do not give them a full water bottom or too big of a water area. Waterdragons are not called Waterdragons due to living in water they in reality are not the best swimmers and can drown in water that is too deep/cold. in the wild Waterdragons spend most of there day on a brantch newar water so they can escape danger by diving into the water and hiding in the water. so having a good sized water area with plenty of branches and foleage over wateris ideal. with plenty of dry floor space so youre waterdragon also has a good sized area to move around . for baby-small juvinile water dragons we reccomend a cage around the size of a 20gal tall tank. or approximatly 2'L x1'D x 1.5' T for juviniles we reccomend moving them up to a larger sized cage simular to a 50 -80 gal tank or a size of 4ft Long x 18In Deep x 2.5 to 4 ft Tall as a large juvinile-adult we reccomend a cage with a minimum size of 4 to 6 ft Long x 2 to 4 ft Deep x 4 to 6 ft Tall. Waterdragons are a Arboreal
Green wate rdragons may be tropical so you may go with the tropical uvb bulb however Waterdragons stay in the more open branches receiving more uvb. so we reccomend going with a stronger uvb bulb like the Zilla Desert 50 18" linear uvb bulbs
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Sexing you're waterdragon before 18 months of age can be difficult. if you have a group of waterdragons it may be a little easyer to compare them to one another. Males will have larger heads and larger spikes. After 18 months of age it becomes easyer to sex them. Males will have a large Crest and big spikes a larger head and big pores on its hind legs.
You can tell this is a male by it's big crest,big spikes on its crest and down its back,its big body and large bulky
You can tell this is a female from her smaller body,smaller head,smaller spikes and crest. Females will be much smaller than a male as an adult.
Female water dragons should be given a egg laying area even if they do not ever come into contact with a male. Female waterdragons may lay eggs even if no male has been in her presence. A female can get egg bound even with a lay box however if she is not given a proper egg laying site she may hold her eggs as she looks for a spot to lay them increasing her chance of getting egg bound. we have found dampened play sand mixed with peat moss or coco fiber is a good egg laying medium.
With today's advanced reptile egg incubation technology there are many ways you can incubate you're Chinese waterdragon eggs. The original way would be to use vermiculite (sold on our site as cozy egg) with this method you will add water to the vermiculite roughly 1 to 1 ratio however feeling by hand is the best method to tell if it's right, you should be able to squeeze it in you're hand with only a few drops of water dripping out. Once you're hand opens it should stay together or slightly come apart.
After you have figured out what incubator,egg box and incubation median you are going to use it's time to incubate the eggs. Water dragon eggs take approximatly 2 months to hatch at 85 °f
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