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coming soon . If you have purchased NorthWest Reptile Feeders powdered Hornworm chow and have lost your goliath hornworm food cooking instructions you may find them here. Our powdered hornworm food will need to be mixed with water and cooked. It is cooked very similar to the great lakes hornworm , rainbow mealworms, mulberry farms and other hornworm chows however the amount of water used may differ. Our formula is ideal for any pet store that carrys exotic pets or feeder insects. Our slow grow hornworm chow formula allows our goliath hornworms to last longer on the shelf and also produces smaller less wet poop making cleaning your #goliathworm cups easier to clean.
coming soon
Come see us in person March -22 -25 at the Medford Metro Reptile Expo 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jackson County Expo
1 Peninger Rd Central Point, OR 97502
Visit for more info
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